Summer is in full swing, and we are all loving it.
Jared passed the NCLEX, so he is now officially a registered nurse! YAY! Now he just needs to find a job, and we might have to actually decide if we're moving and where.
I love not waking up to an alarm clock. I love having the kids all home (for now). I got a new calling at church; I'm second counselor in the Relief Society, which means I'm in charge of activities. I'm not good at that sort of thing, so I expect it will be a learning opportunity. At least, that's what I say when I'm having a good attitude :)
Joey is taking guitar lessons, thanks to Jared's dad. He enjoys the lessons and has a great teacher, but he doesn't like practicing, of course. He moved far beyond
my ability after the first lesson. Joey wishes he could spend every waking moment playing Minecraft, a new computer game he saved up for, and is now basically obsessed with. Sometimes I get annoyed that he plays it so much (when I let him) but then I remember that I probably played video games
all day when I was his age. And it has totally payed off because I still ROCK at Dr. Mario.
Jason had his first day of school on Monday. Yup, poor bloke has to go to summer school. He cried the first morning, and I felt so bad for him. What a way to ruin a kid's summer! But after the first day he was fine. It's only a couple hours and it's not so bad. Do you think his teacher will teach the kids how to drive or let them recreate the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the classroom?
(If that makes no sense to you perhaps you never saw that classic 80's flick,
Summer School)
Tyler is Tyler. He plays all day with his brothers and Dougie and never seems to get bored. He's trying to learn how to ride a bike, but I can't say the lessons are going very well.
Allie is moving right along. She's walking more and more, and it just looks so cute! She'll be a year tomorrow, so I'll write more about her then. But here's a picture for today. She didn't take a very good morning nap, can you tell?